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The new year brought change for the clubs annual Blowaway the Cobwebs, for 2025 we headed East to the Hurdlemakers Arms, Maldon. Where we basically held a pub takeover, the food was fantastic, with the only 'compliant' there was to much food.

A few brave members ventured out to this years Christmas market, joined by others for our traditional Blue Boar breakfast. The weather had its moments throughout day, once again the classics proved of great interest to those in attendance.

With the forecasted rain bringing overall numbers down this year, Hardy members were parked up on our awarding stand. For what turned out to be a good show despite the rain showers.

With 46 members vehicles on display, the club made this years show its biggest attendance yet.
With the weather being unpredictable a few regulars missing it was a stunning turn out and we might need a bit more space next year. Else where there was something for everyone, from craft and horticultural competitions to extreme fun fair rides. Along with our display there were steam engines motorcycle displays, Police dog Demonstrations, birds of prey displays.
All side shows to the main event, the horses, from pony's to heavy horses, side saddle to carriage there was so much to see.

With rain falling, intrepid members headed to long time members and friends T Cribbs & Sons for a Fish and Chip lunch. Graham entertained those in attendance with a tour of their stables, an introduction to some of their 28 strong stable of Friesian horses, followed by Fish & Chips supplied by Graham and Cribbs. We were then shown around the restoration garages and their vintage hearses and carriages along with their preservation carriages.
It was a pleasurable and enjoyable day despite the rain. Thanks to Graham, Joe and all those involved.

Once again our Classic vehicle run was blessed with fantastic weather.
With nearly 50 vehicles starting from Fairlop Waters, being joined at our second Ulez free start at the North Weald Airfield Museum by the rest of the runners.
Southchurch Park East saw us squeeze in nearly 100 classic vehicles, for a great relaxed show.

The club returned again for the second year of Visit the Vulcan 'Fathers Day Edition'.
With Essex Mini Club and another group from Romford also in attendance there was a nice car display to match the reenactment groups, Historic Fire Engines and of course the Star of the Show XL426 Vulcan

With close to 50 vehicles on display the Classics display was in strong attendance, with Live Music stalls, the Windmill open it was a busy day

A Weekend of classic vehicles, Vintage live Bands, live music sea shants, dancing, and stalls, circus skills and rein actors.

This years Pageant saw members come together to enjoy the show and autojumble, while taking time to tinker with Jim's fuel pump and filter, the weekend gave the members a chance to catch up and chat.

This years Soapbox derby saw the club return as competitors.
There are always some fantastic Builds and this year was no exception, including some very serious speed demons.

The first event of the year proved to be as popular as ever with over 40 members turning out the clubs new year meal at The Eagle in Kelvedon Hatch. With the restaurant doing a great job with the food, it was a lovely afternoon out.

The first event of the year proved to be as popular as ever with over 40 members turning out the clubs new year meal at The Eagle in Kelvedon Hatch. With the restaurant doing a great job with the food, it was a lovely afternoon out.

A few Brave members headed out to a cold damp Christmas Market. The Hot pub breakfast going someway to make up for the early start. Throughout the day the Market was packed with visitors to the stalls and fun fair with many admiring the vehicles that attended.

On a Friday 17th November 2023 members braved the fresh, damp, early morning to meet up and convoy over the Queen Elizabeth Bridge to celebrate 60 years of the Dartford Crossing. Holding a steady speed kept us in convoy and allowed us to enjoy the view.

16 vintage and classics on this years award winning club display along with other members dotted around the show. On a baking hot day, the club went to Barleylands for one of the last shows of the season, It was one of if not the hottest shows this year. With the club gazebo and parasols for shade it was very sociable day with lots to see and buy if you fancied venturing out into the heat. Along with hundreds of classic, vintage, modern, military and motor bikes. At the end of the day as the clouds rolled over and the temperature cooled, the club was presented with the Best Club award.

This Years Orsett Show Saw the club produce the best turn out on record with 37 vehicles on display. The Show also upped there game and there were more stalls activities around the many arenas, with dog racing, the Imps motorcycle display team, Steam and Farming vehicles. On top of the busy horse competition arenas.

A nice sunny day, the car park was just for us and some stalls including a BBQ and a Bar. In the garden there were more stools and a bouncy castle for the children. A DJ was on site to help make the day a Success.

Havering Mind held their annual Essex Family Fest at Harrow Lodge Park.
Numbers and Stalls were down this year, largely due to the weekend weather having cancelled their Saturday Entertainment.

Once again the club took over the care home car park to allow the residents, families, locals and staff to enjoy our vehicles. Through the visit the staff brough out hot dogs, sandwiches and drinks.

This years Run saw Fairlop Waters Busier than ever with a very eclectic mix of vehicles making read to complete the run. On reaching Southend they were squeezed on to Southend Sea Front to enjoy the day.

Fathers Day this year saw British made 50s, 60s, & 70s members heading to Southend airport for the Vulcan open day. Vulcan XL 426 as the main attraction. There were military vehicles, Tanks, re-enactment groups, RC aircraft and Music supplied by Rayleigh Brass. The early start saw members meeting in the visitor car park before heading round to display. With lots of interest in the vehicles and more potential members it was a good day out.

Six club members managed to rise and shine early on this bright and sunny Sunday morning to drive in convoy to the Little Clacton Parish Fields for the first of the two Clacton Classic Car Shows this year.
Unusually, we all left together, drove together and arrived together, and managed to park together as a group.
We also saw a few other members who had come with other clubs or made their own way to site to display amongst the 600 or so vehicles (estimated by the organisers, The Clacton Classic Car Club)of all ages and types.

This was the clubs second visit to Picnic in the Park. It's a pleasant relaxed afternoon, with heavy rain forecast right up to the day it turned out to be very grey with only a small shower, the sun even made an appearance.

Returning this year as a combined event Dagenham Played host to a free park festival. With the weather ever changing right up until the day, it turned out to be a hot one. With 21 classic vehicles on site (over half of which were SEVCVC members by the end of the show), Steam engines, trucks, miniature steam, Birds of prey, Live music and dance shows on different stages along with the Main arena events. It was so busy that it was deemed unsafe to hold the customary classic display in the main arena. Overall another great show.